
4 bodies: Physical and Emotional

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You have 4 Energetic Bodies. They vibrate at a certain frequency giving each body all its properties. The 4 bodies are containers for energy, and we can learn to have access to them by learning simple exercises to move energy between the bodies.

In this event, we will be exploring the Physical and Emotional bodies.

In moving energy between the bodies, we give you tools to move through life with more Vitality, feel more empowered, and experience more of the extraordinary.

This workshop is perfect for those looking for something new in their energy practice or who are looking for an introduction to energy work.

Yoga mats are provided, bring your own blanket or boulster if desired. Floor seating with some standing movement exercises. There will be access to a few chairs if necessary.

The Four Energetic Bodies workshop is a foundational introduction to Mosaic Methods, Dr. Elaine Thornton’s group somatic energy healing events.

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Clear Day

Clear Day

Are you ready for a massive reset this fall?

Picture this:

3 Group Entrainment Sessions

An energetically lead upgrade, through ALL LEVELS OF CARE.

That means:

we ground that nervous system

we stretch your emotional body

we give that mental body the structure it craves

and then......

we allow the HEART to open so your soul can talk to you through your body.


Breath work to help integrate all the massive nervous system work

High vibe, gluten free, dairy free snacks

Safe and loving community

Spaces are really limited- capping this one at 5, so snag your spot quick! I'm offering a deeply discounted rate for this first one so I hope you can take advantage of that!!

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