Mosaic Methods

Helps you organize your nervous system. By using gentle touch, we go beyond the mind and use your body as a tool to create new patterns that promote healing, increased energy, and more ease in life. We see people heal from chronic pain, chronic illness, and emotional traumas.



Integrity First.

Traditionally trained as a chiropractor,  Dr. Elaine Thornton is the creator of Mosaic Methods. Inspired by her personal health journey, some painful and some wonderful life experiences, and a whole lot of love and hard work, Mosaic Methods was born.

Dr. Elaine has dedicated her life to helping others break old paradigms, find truth, and experience health and vitality in their daily life.

I was shattered into a million little pieces.

but thank God for that

because without that I would never be the beautiful Mosaic I am today.

— Dr. Elaine Thornton

My Story:

I grew up very sick but no one knew it. Chronic whole body pain, debilitating migraines, pins and needles in my feet, always cold, digestive issues, acne, allergies, asthma, the list goes on. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I always had a smile on my face so no one really knew how much pain I was in.

There were days I was convinced I would have done anything to make the physical, mental and emotional pain stop. When I was old enough to understand that my pain wasn’t normal, I saw a slew of specialists and medical doctors. Many years, blood tests, MRIs’s, CT’s, ultrasounds, biopsies,  painful nerve testing, heart monitors and hard conversation later

I was finally told-

“It’s in your head, there’s nothing wrong with you.”

And that was the best thing I could have ever heard. Because that’s when my paradigm shifted. I realized, the medical community, though well intentioned, was limited in their belief system. That it wasn’t their responsibility to take care of my health as I had thought, it was mine.

So I had a choice, continue to live in pain, or find another way.

Thank God for my amazing mother who taught me:

“If you have your health, you have everything.”

I knew that living without my health wasn’t an option.

And I knew that if my version of healthcare couldn’t help me there must be something else.

When I was 20 years old I met the first doctor who really educated me and empowered me. He was a chiropractor, and explained to me the simplest and most profound concept I have yet to learn, the concept that has change my entire life and lives of countless others:

The nerves in your body communicate with the brain, and when there is interference in the nervous system, your body will not function as it should. that manifests in dis-ease: migraines, body pain, asthma, allergies, digestive issues, skin issues, lack of energy etc.

After one adjustment to remove interference from my nervous system -  I went from 3 migraines a week to none, I felt more energetic than I knew was even possible, like a little kid.

A few months later…

No more chronic pain, clearer skin, more emotional regulation, no inhaler, no allergy medication,

no more suicidal thoughts.

With a new lease on life I explored the world, pursued my education, fell in love, had my heart broken, experienced more vibrancy in life than most people will ever get to, and experienced painful challenges fit for a scary movie- thankfully the kind with a good ending.

I like to think, I became a collector of life experience.

Collecting little pieces to build my Mosaic.

The Mosaic I chose to build from all these experiences looks like starting 2 mission based companies by the age of 31, hosting and co-creating international retreats, workshops, and personal transformation events. I have shared my message on podcasts and masterminds in the US, Mexico and Europe.

My clients are changing the world for the better and meeting life’s challenges with grace. And my faith in a high power has never been stronger as I witness their miracles every day.

And best of all

I help purpose based world changers build their own Mosaics too.

Because someone empowered me to take control of my health, I get to live a life of purpose, vibrancy and love, and I want the same for you.

- Lots of love,

Dr. Elaine