experience vitality

Mosaic Methods is a collection of techniques modeled from Energetic chiropractic care, yogic and spiritual teachings.

Science meets soul in Mosaic Methods, an upgrade to your nervous system like you’ve never experienced before.

Self care is the new heath care.

In today’s world we have unique stressors and it’s time to innovate the way we look at our health.

You are not just a physical body. So don't get treated like you are. Mosaic Methods helps you to integrate all parts of you, to improve the way you function and feel.

  • Group Session at the Art Gallery

    Experience Mosaic Methods care in a group setting. Building an energetic field of healing together surrounded by art.

    Wednesdays 12-2. @Studio 208 in Downtown Nashville, TN.

  • 1:1 Care

    A private session with Dr. Elaine. Light touch energetic chiropractic care to help reorganize patterns of stored tension in your body and life.

    30 minutes visits at the Hillsboro Village location.

    Add energy to your day, health, and time back into your life.

  • Upgrade your Event

    Do you host live events for personal or business development? Amplify the results of your program for an unmatched experience.


Cutting edge healthcare

Energetic Alignment

to upgrade your life